Bets should you avoid when betting on football Soccer

Five More Mistakes You Should Avoid With Sports Betting: Part Two

I hope you had a chance to read my first blog on this topic. Today I will continue the topic with part two of my blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I hope you enjoyed the first one. Also big thanks to truc tiep bong da for helping with the article. We appreciate it.


1)Does Every Game Count?

Any outsider to the world of sports (myself included) might think that every game counts. Those who live in the world of sports will tell you something different, It turns out, that not every game is going to count concerning placing bets.

Some want to bet every game due to the variance factor. They figure that they can win 50% of the spread or more, and make a nice profit. A key component to placing bets on a game is the value.

I talked about this in the last blog. You need to concentrate on what presents the most value.

Some people look back and say, “we had a really good season, and we made a lot of money because of that season”. The truth is that the reason you made a lot of money had more to do with luck and less to do withi= anything else.

I know that might sound like a contradiction, especially if you read the last blog. What I said, if you remember correctly, is that luck only plays a small role and for different reasons. A good season is one of those reasons.


2)The Winner Takes It All

Yes, I quoted Abba, so what! I like Abba, and the metaphor fits. Sometimes betting on the team that people think will lose makes a good win.

Sometimes there is more value in an underdog than a top dog.

One team might be top dog at the kennel, but that does not mean they will be adopted out.


3)Short-Sighted Plans

Do you remember the saying, “what have you done for me lately”? It is also a Janet Jackson song. This a bad mindset to have. Every team has an off week or two. Look at their overall playing, especially in football. Do they still have a strong playing season? Then, chill out.


4)Drinking and Betting

You already know the saying, “no drinking and driving”. The same rules apply to betting on sports( or anything else for that matter). The only difference is the car you drive are the bets you make. The last thing you want is to crash the car due to intoxication and short-sightedness.


5)The Books

You have to read through the playbook before you place a bet. Do you take a test and expect to ace it before you read the chapter and do the homework? No, you do not.