Entries by WATP Gambling Blog

Gambling: Tips for the Newbies

Do not assure yourself when you gamble, it solely relies on luck. Most gamblers can win the game without any difficulties, however, there are some who experiences troubles. In order to garner success, gamblers have developed strategies, nevertheless these strategies aid their troubles during the game. Here are the tips to help you win money […]

Basics of Sports Betting: A Guide

Sports betting is to win money from a bet over a sports game. If you are interested and curious of sports betting, here is a guide for you. Why bet on sports? Because, it is simple to learn. Sports betting is not complicated, all you have to do is understand the basic mechanics of how […]

Dictionary for Sports Betting: Common Terms

Accumulator. The bets are reinvested on a subsequent wager. Action. The number of bets placed on a specific game. Beard. The person who bets for someone to conceal their identity. Bookmaker. The person who accept bets on a sporting event. Chalk player. The favorite team, athlete, or horse of a person. Edge. The advantage of […]